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It is related to the gratification versus control of basic human desires related to enjoying life. 

Recording to Hofstede's result, we can say that Singapore is in the middle because it get a result 46, while UAE score is not graded but I think that UAE get more than Singapore it will be maybe 74.

It is related to the choice of focus for people's efforts: the future or the present and past. As we see that, UAE scores in LTO  are not grade it but I think that they get a middle score which is 50, while Singapore get the high score which is 72 that mean they have long term orientation not short.

It is related to the level of stress in a society in the face of an unknown future. As we see that there were a big different between the both countries. UAE get the highest result  which is 80 while Singapore get the lowest.

It is related to the division of emotional roles between women and men. As we see that both of the country are in the middle. If it is high, it will be masculinity and if it is low it will be femininity 

It's related to the integration of individuals into primary groups.

As we see that, Both country have the same score, but Singapore is less about 5 scores only. If it's high it will Loose social framework and only immediate family Self image “I”, while if it's low it will 

Tight social framework and family

Self image “we”    


Hofstede's 6 Dimensions

It is related to the different solutions to the basic problem of human inequality. As we see that, both of country have high result but Singapore got less that UAE.  If it is high it mean less equal or inequality, while if it is low it’s mean more equal.

Power Distance
Long Term
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