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Power Distance (PDI)

In UAE the centralization is important which mean that they consider on the hierarchy in an organization.  While in Singapore it’s based on unequal relationships between people and It’s more about power in centralized and manager rely on their bosses and on rule. 

For that, if an emirates go to Singapore they will feel uncomfortable because they may not deal with them like what they are expect or the same how they deal with Singaporean. What I mean that their were a place that  you don't feel that you are guest because the equality in hierarchical  that is mean, their were no differences between the citizen and the guest. Recording to what am looking for, I found alot of personal experiences on the internet that probably agree with me. They say that, you really will feel uncomfortable and differences because of inequality .

Individualism (IDV)
Masculinity (MAS) 
Uncertainty Avoidance (UAI)
Long Term Orientation (LTO)
Indulgence (IVR)

In the UAE, the society fosters strong relationships where everyone takes responsibility for fellow members of their group. Hiring and promotion decision take account of the employee’s in group, and management is the management in group. While in Singapore they focus more in group rather than individual, to look after each other in exchange for loyalty, so in Singapore there are more collective than us and they have more social or group responsibility for community. If we go their we will feel more collective and this is good because if you travel to any country, you need to be in group. While at the same time having a low score in Individualism, means respect traditions - don’t like  sudden changes. 


Now a days I saw a lot of emirates who prefer to travel to Singapore, at this point they must know that Singaporean  don't like the changes in their traditions or their life. For example we can't break their rules like smoking, they banned smoking on large areas for that we should respect their decision and laws to make them feel comfortable about the guest. 

In the UAE the  score is  50 on this dimension and it can be considered to be neither Masculine or Feminine. While in Singapore It’s in the middle but more on the feminine side. This means that the softer aspects of culture such as leveling with others, consensus, sympathy for the underdog are valued and encouraged, and we can also see the feminism in the governments defined five “shared values” again: Community support and respect for the individual. 

UAE has a high preference for avoiding uncertainty. Countries exhibiting high Uncertainty Avoidance maintain rigid codes of belief and behavior and are intolerant of unorthodox behavior and ideas. In Singapore, people abide to many rules not because they have need for structure but because of high PDI. Singaporeans call their society a “Fine country. You’ll get a fine for everything”.  For that I had been choose Singapore as best country to travel.

It’s high because UAE think a lot about the future and how to became more successful and how provide the People Requirements, but at the same time it’s less than Singapore because people are spending a lot of money with out thinking about the futures, for example many of emirates think about their needs or what they wont like if they want to buy a car or rather than thinking about their future or saving their money.  While in Singapore they think more about the future for that they became more successful. Singaporean think a lot about the education and plan more for their needs because in their country they should be in progress. For that, we as emirates if we got their we should be careful and save our money because everything is expensive so, we need to plan more about our life and future. 

First I will begin with my country. I think UAE get a high score because even if there were rules the people are little bit freedom, in this part am not talking about drinking alcohol or drugs, am talking about other things that are less important for an emirates and they’re not following these rule like Fasten seat belts while they are driving or Commitment to speed specified. Also, in UAE they are free to speech, they can say what they feel about any thing, they can say their Supporting or opposing about any new rules. In Singapore they are more restrained, even if there is something wrong happened they can’t say no or it’s wrong because of their respecting for their country, it’s mean that everything happened it’s right and it should be happened. For that, if there is an emirate who want to go their he should be more careful about what he wants to say and try to not Criticize any thing belong this country. 

Hofstede's 6 Dimensions

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